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    • JANUARY 1, 2015
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    UDH is honored the Middle East Excellence Award

    UDH is honored the Middle East Excellence Award

    United Doctors Hospital was honored The ‘Middle East Portals and Web Content Excellence Award in the health care field’
    The hospital was chosen as the top in the Middle East region that had played a pioneering role in promoting Arabic IT to keep pace with the globally and technologically progressive era

    • JANUARY 1, 2015
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    IPCD Training Week-VAMED

    IPCD Training Week-VAMED

    United Doctors Hospital is privileged to be part of the Ministry of Health Infection Control Week celebration. Last July 4-8, 2014 specialized education and training on MERS-CoV was conducted. VAMED (the leading International Company in the field of health service) conducted a 4 days assessment of our staff knowledge and skills. Physical checked of our
    • JANUARY 1, 2015
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    Patient and family educational activities during celebration of Diabetes Day

    Patient and family educational activities during celebration of Diabetes Day

    A program conducted includes activation of the Patient and Family Education. The hospital invited members of community to join us with our DIABETES DAY. Several drug companies participated with offers such as free blood sugar checking, BMI (Body mass Index) etc..


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