Total Quality Department receives letters of thanks and appreciations from ACHSI regarding UDH commitment to quality and safety

Total Quality Department receives letters of thanks and appreciations from ACHSI regarding UDH commitment to quality and safety

Dr Bassel Ali , Director of Total Quality department received letters of thanks and appreciations from ACHSI regarding UDH commitment to quality and safety

One of these letters was from Mr. David Miller , International Business Manager of The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards

The email stated :

It was a pleasure to meet you, your team and many of the staff during my recent visit to United Doctors Hospital. Thank you for your warm welcome and hospitality.

It was especially pleasing to see, first hand, many of the wonderful initiatives you are pioneering and to get a perspective on the commitment and enthusiasm of your team to strive for excellence in patient safety and quality. You must be very proud.

I look forward to on-going collaboration with you and UDH. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of any assistance on any matter and please convey my kindest regards and appreciation to your wonderful team.

Best wishes


Another email was received from Mr. Wayne Singh, ACHSI Consultant Surveyor

The email stated :

I trust that all is well with you and the team at United Doctors Hospital. I understand from David Miller, that things are progressing well with the recommendations from the survey and that there have also been some excellent improvements in various areas as part of the continuous quality improvement program. From my perspective this is fantastic news and demonstrates leadership and support provided to the staff in enabling them to contribute and achieve a positive outcome in care and service delivery. No doubt David mentioned to you and the team that EQuIP5 is being introduced in Australia on 1 July 2011 and I would respectfully suggest that it would be beneficial to you and the team at UDH to perhaps focus on these Standards (there is minimal change in direction with a new mandatory – medication management, some changes relating to records management and the separation of complaints and incident reporting. Also a new criterion has been included re nutrition). Using EQuIP5 will make life a little easier for your team in preparing the Self Assessment in the future. I am happy to provide you with any support or clarification required and hopefully I will be able to visit you either later this year or in 2012 for the Periodic Review. Please pass on my regards to the friendly team at UDH and have an enjoyable afternoon.

Kind Regards,

Wayne Singh