Rectal, Ear or Temporal Artery (TA) temperature: 100.4 F (38.0 C) or higherPacifier or Oral temperature: 100 F (37.8 C) or higherAxillary (armpit) temperature: 99 F (37.2 C) or higherLimitation: Ear (Tympanic Membrane) and Temporal Artery (TA) temperatures are not reliable before 6
Causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis By :Dr.Ashraf Esmaeil Consultant of Rheumatology UDH • RA is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the synovium and leading to joint damage and absorption of adjacent bone. It affects more the small joints of the hands, and has an extra-articular manifestation. • Peak age of onset is in the fifth decade
Blood pressure is a measure of the force that our heart use during pumping blood, which carries energy and oxygen around the body, this process require the availability of certain pressure inside the blood vessels, but in case the pressure inside these blood vessels increase
SMOKING IS AN ENEMY OF THE BEAUTY OF WOMEN AND THEIR YOUTH Smoking is a bad habit that spread among the societies for a very long time, and while smoking was formerly limited to men, we currently found that this phenomenon is also spreading widely among women, due to several factors including misleading advertising promoting
Smoking has spread widely in our societies, and among different age groups of both genders. A lot of smokers, smoke as a treatment for stress and tense, and they increase smoking upon facing psychological stress, and it even goes up to some smokers to smoke when
A serious tropical disease transmitted by mosquitoes carrying Plasmodium parasites, were the female mosquitoes “Anopheles”, is the main carrier of the disease, and only one single bite of it is sufficient to transmit the infection to the bloodstream in the human body.
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