How does a diabetic cope with Ramadan??
diabetic cope with Ramadan…There are several health risks that some diabetics may be exposed to if they fast
diabetic cope with Ramadan…There are several health risks that some diabetics may be exposed to if they fast
The likelihood of Obesity and diabetes or those who are already obese depends on the interaction of several factors
Diabetic Retinopathy, The longer the duration of diabetes and the lower the control on the blood sugar level, the greater the possibility of complications in the eye.
استمرارا في التميز وتقديم خدمات الرعاية الصحية عالية الجودة وقع مستشفى الأطباء المتحدون عقد اتفاقية يتم بموجبه تقديم الرعاية الطبية لمنسوبي شركة أرامكو وأسرهم اعتبارا من الأول من شهر مايو القادم.
As we continue our message in life by following the highest international quality standards in healthcare, the efforts of all employees are united to excel every day on our previous achievements.
The epic battle of uniting the kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which lasted over 30 years, is greatly known among historical battles. King Abdul Aziz Al-Saud won the battle that helped build a modern and strong state, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Global efforts towards the fight against malaria can be dated as back as 1929 in Zambia, Africa when the Roan Antelope copper mine malaria program was established. The program not only provided administration of chloroquine to the local residents and treated bed nets but it was also
In compliance with new MOH regulations regarding the Novel Coronavirus (COVID19) we wish to inform you that the visiting hours will change to one hour at the day