Chronic Constipation

Chronic Constipation

Chronic Constipation..It is infrequent bowel movements that cause difficulty in passing stool, which lasts for several weeks or more, and any case of less than three stools per week is diagnosed as constipation, which causes people to make a strong effort to stool.

Disease Symptoms

Defecation is less than three times a week, in a solid or clustered for, and feeling fatigue during defecation, as if there is a blockage in the rectum and the inability to completely empty the rectum of stool.

Disease Causes

  • Anal fissure or bowel obstruction.
  • Lack of movement or lack of exercise.
  • Sitting for a long time on a chair or sleeping on a bed for a long time.
  • Taking some medications that reduce bowel movement.
  • Certain types of food and lack of drinking water
  • Thyroid gland and colon cancer.
  • Willingly withholding stools.

Factors increasing the risk of disease

  • It affects adults more than children, and women more than men.
  • Eating food that does not contain fiber.
  • Lack of exercise and physical activity.
  • Taking sedatives, pain killers, some antidepressants, and blood pressure medications that cause constipation in addition to depression.

complications of the disease

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anal fissures
  • Fecal impaction
  • Rectal prolapse

Factors to reduce the risk of disease

  • Eating more food rich in fiber and reducing the food with low fiber.
  • Drinking plenty of liquids.
  • Maintaining regular exercise.
  • Managing psychological

Medical care

Eat as much natural fibers as possible during different meals throughout the day, and the doctor may recommend a specific percentage of the grams of fibers in your daily diet. Try to allocate fourteen grams of fiber for each thousand calories during the day.

How is the disease diagnosed?

  • General physical examination.
  • Digital rectal examination.
  • Conducting the following tests: blood tests, X-ray imaging, sigmoidoscopy, colonoscopy, rectal manometry, balloon expulsion examination, colonic transport study, Scintigraphy, faecal radiography, magnetic resonance imaging of defecation.

How is the disease treated?

  • Laxatives
  • Medicines that draw water into the intestines.
  • Pelvic muscle training.
  • Diet correction and lifestyle changes.



  1. Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia, 2019, Constipation, Electronic Version available at:


  1. Mayo clinic, 7/9/2019, Constipation, Electronic Version available at:


  1. Vejthani, Chronic Constipation and totally depending on laxatives on permanent basis causes enteroparalysis, Electronic Version available at:
