Tips for pregnant women who suffer from nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy

Tips for pregnant women who suffer from nausea and vomiting in the first months of pregnancy


This complaint in the first months of pregnancy is usually normal, but sometimes it is something pathologic if it increases and becomes annoying, then it will cause dehydration for the mother and affect the fetus, so we always recommend following up with the specialist doctor or the medical center for check up, examination and urinalysis, and to make sure that there is no dehydration due to repeated vomiting.

If there is a dehydration:

You must be admitted to the hospital, take treatment and take solutions to compensate the body for the fluids lost due to repeated vomiting

If there is no dehydration, here are the following tips:

  1. Spread meals instead of 3 heavy meals to 6 light meals, meaning the meal should not be overloaded.
  2. Since the fetus does not need nutrition in the first months, it is possible for the pregnant woman to eat only what she likes without a large increase compared to what she needs in the last months of pregnancy.
  3. Enjoy vegetables and fruits instead of fatty meals.
  4. When you wake up in the morning and before you get out of bed, eat a snack, and then lie down for half an hour before you move.
  5. We advise you to drink liquids such as 7-up or sprite, but at intervals and without the amount being large each time to maintain the percentage of potassium and salts in the body.
  6. You can take tablets containing vitamin B6 and Meclizine and it is possible to take vitamin B6 tablets only, which is important to prevent vomiting, but as a general rule we recommend that taking any drugs be through a prescription from your treating doctor.
  7. You can take rectal suppositoria (suppositories) instead of Primperan tablets, but as a general rule we refrain from mentioning the names of any drugs, as we recommend that taking any drugs be through a prescription from your treating doctor.