Doesn’t leave you .. And it rarely wakes you up from sleep!

Doesn’t leave you .. And it rarely wakes you up from sleep!


It is a pain that affects any of the areas of the head, the headache may be on one side of the head or on both sides, or in a specific place of the head, or widespread, or have a binding feature of capturing, it may be a sharp pain, pulsating sensation or total soreness that comes gradually or suddenly and may disappear after half an hour and may last several days.

Disease Symptoms

The headache either disappears within an hour at most or lasts for more than four hours in some cases, such as hemicrania, tension headaches and persistent migraines.

  1. Hemicrania: Moderate or acute pain affects one or both sides of the head with a pulse sensation and palpitations, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, or both, or sensitivity to light and sound.
  2. Tension headache: Mild or moderate pain affects both sides of the head, such as pressure or pulling, but not pulsating.
  3. Daily headache: Mild to moderate pain affects both sides of your head and is like pressure or pulling, but not pulsating.
  4. Persistent migraine: Moderate pain with a feeling of tingling of severe nails affects only one side of the brain in continuous daily episodes of continuous pain and can become severe in addition to the discharge of tears or redness of the eye on the affected side with congestion or runny ear and drooping eyelid or pupil stenosis and a feeling of nervousness.

Disease Causes

Overdoses can cause severe headaches and blood pressure disorders, also infections such as meningitis can cause headaches, as well as inflammation or other problems with blood vessels in or near the brain, including stroke, brain tumor or traumatic brain injury.

Factors that increase the risk of disease

Gender, as headaches affect women more often than men, as well as anxiety, depression, sleep disturbances, obesity, snoring, excessive caffeine intake, overuse of headache medications and other chronic pain diseases.

Disease Complications

Headaches can cause depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and other psychological and physical problems.

Factors to reduce the risk of disease

  • Avoid headache triggers.
  • Avoid overuse of headache medications.
  • Sleep well, correctly, and adequately.
  • Eat main meals on time.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Reduce caffeine.

When do you need medical help?

It is preferable to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • Having headaches two or more times a week.
  • The recommended dose of pain treatments is not enough for treatment.
  • The headache pattern changes or worsens.
  • If the headache is sudden and severe.
  • Accompanied by fever, stiffness in the neck or disorientation with double vision or numbness and difficulty speaking
  • Preceded by head injury.

How is the disease diagnosed?

With a clinical examination to determine the possibility of any infection or neurological problems and to know your medical history of headaches, your doctor may order scans such as MRI scans or CT scans to determine the health problem.

How is the disease treated?

Treatment focuses on preventing pain in general in headaches through special analgesics, and strategies to stop pain vary according to the type of headache, the doctor may recommend the following:

  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-seizure medications.
  • Anti-inflammatories.




  1. Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia, 21/Muharram/1441, Headache, Electronic Version available at:


  1. Mayo clinic, 09/04/2019, Chronic Daily Headache, Electronic Version available at:


  1. Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia, 13/ Jumada II /1439, Nervous System – Headache, Electronic Version available at:



Additional References:

  1. Headache


  1. Types and Causes of Headache
