Chronic sinusitis
Chronic sinusitis
Swelling of the sinus lining
It is a condition that results from swelling of the spaces inside the nose and head for three months or more, despite taking the treatment in a way that opposes the way mucus comes out, which makes the nose blocked, leading to difficulty breathing through the nose and may cause pain or swelling in the area around the eye.
It may be transmitted through infection or by the growth of nasal polyps in the sinuses or swelling of the lining of the sinuses and it affects adults and children.
Disease Symptoms
Symptoms of chronic sinusitis include:
- Thick discolored nasal discharges.
- Posterior nasal discharges.
- Nasal obstruction.
- Congestion that causes pain, both tactile and without touching.
- Swelling around the eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead.
- In addition to impaired sense of smell and taste.
- Symptoms of progression include ear pain, upper jaw and tooth pain, coughing or hemming as a result of a sore throat, bad breath and fatigue.
Disease causes
- Nasal polyps.
- Weak immune system.
- Not treating normal or acute sinusitis caused by a cold or flu.
- Infection from an infected tooth to the sinus if the root of the tooth overlaps within the sinus.
- May be associated with allergies, allergic rhinitis, asthma and hay fever (corasthma)
Factors that increase disease risk factors
- Permanent exposure to pollutants such as passive smoking.
- Deviated nasal septum.
- Immune system disorders.
- Cases of dental infections.
- Complications of the disease.
- May cause vision problems if it spreads to the eyeball causing decreased vision.
- or the possibility of blindness which may be permanent.
- In addition to infections with inflammation of the membranes and fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord (meningitis)
- Inflammation in the bones (osteitis).
- or serious skin infection.
Factors to reduce the risk of disease
- Avoid upper respiratory system infection.
- Wash hands often with soap and water, especially before meals.
- Control allergies.
- Avoid cigarettes smoke and polluted air.
- Using air humidifier.
Medical care
Rest helps the body fight inflammation and recover quickly, and it is recommended to moisturize the sinuses, inhale steam, inhale warm, moist air to help relieve pain and help liquefy mucus, in addition to rinsing the nasal passages with warm water or saline solution that helps clean the sinuses.
When do you need medical help?
When sinusitis recurs and you don’t respond to treatment, or your symptoms persist for more than 10 days and don’t improve, you may need to see a doctor then, especially if you develop a fever, swelling with redness around the eye, severe headache and swelling of the forehead, confusion, duplication, or other changes in vision, or feel a stiff neck.
How is the disease diagnosed?
Methods for diagnosing chronic sinusitis include:
- CT or MRI tests
- Looking inside the sinuses with a thin, flexible tube illuminated with optical fibers.
- Allergy test to determine the type of allergy responsible for the flare-up of the nasal condition.
- Culture nasal and sinus secretions to determine the cause, such as bacteria or fungi.
How is the disease treated?
- Taking analgesic medications (painkillers)
- Use of nasal decongestants.
- Apply warm compresses to the face.
- Washing the nasal cavity frequently with saline solution
- Use antibiotics or anti-inflammatories in the form of sprays or nasal drops.
- Surgery to improve drainage of secretions from the sinuses.
- Mayo clinic, 07/09/2017, Chronic sinusitis, Electronic Version available at:
- Medicalnewstoday, translation of What to Know About Chronic Sinusitis, Electronic Version available at:
Additional References:
- Chronic sinusitis
- Chronic sinusitis