Al-Amoudi for United Doctors, the best in Arab world of Health Authorities Sector
In its seventh session and generously sponsored by His Excellency, Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah Al-Mubarak Al-Sabah,Minister of Cabinet Affairs in Kuwait, and Chairman of Board of Directors of the Central Agency for Information Technology, on Wednesday 30/4/2016 ad in the capital of Kuwait, ceremony to honor the winning entities of Smart Government Shield was held in the Arabic Region for the applications that are most developed and considerate for the beneficiary’s needs.
And with Blessings of Allah, Al-Amoudi Hospital for United Doctors, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah, has won the Excellent Award for the category of the best Arab smart applications forthe Sector of Health Authorities and Bodies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the featured e-services provided by the application of United Doctors on different operating systems for smartphones in addition toa healthy educational librarywhich deals with the areas of public health.
Within his speech to the Media, His Excellency Mr. Ali bin Salem Al-Subaie, General Manager of Hospital of United Doctors congratulated His Excellency Sheikh Dr. Mohammed Bin AboudAl-Aamoudi, President of Board of Directors of Al-Amoudi Group Holding as well as all employees of the hospital for their effective contribution to achieve this accomplishment, which comes in a series of consecutive successes that were achieved by the hospital in terms of health leadership, e-services and social responsibility noting that the hospital is in the process of setting developmental strategic plan for the next stage keeping up with the strategic vision of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2030 ad, which considering the sector of Health Care one of the main pillars contributing to the achievement and success of this vision.
His Excellency Mr. Fahd Al-Refaei, Managing Director the hospital explained that this winning and excellence is not surprising for the Hospital in which the administration is always keen, represented by Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors and Executive Board members, to tirelesslydeveloping the services provided and searchin the use of technology in the delivery of services, which was reflected on functionality and overall evaluation of the hospital achievement.
In his answer about the reflection of activatingthe smart services on the operational process in the Hospital, Mr. Raddad Abbas, the Operating Manager stated that launching and activating smart services in the Hospital helped a lot of people to sum up some periodic processes that used to take time and effort and affect the daily operational process, as appointments reservation times and waiting for them have been summed up, in addition to dispensing the need for the client to visit the Hospital for test results by using the smart applications, as reservations and amendments to appointments in addition to reviewing and receiving analyses can be done by using the smart applications, and in the future, we hope to apply e-payment procedures so we provide a full electronic experience to the client in the Hospital conform to technical transformation and the transition to electronic services, which are recently in the Kingdom.
And whether the quality adopted by the hospital as a fundamental methodology in all the administrative, operational and medical processes, Dr. Basel Ayoub, Director of Quality Management of the Hospital explained that all e-services provided by the Hospital get periodically tested and continuously subject to methodologies of development to service through bringing customers and beneficiaries opinions and comparison with successful local and international experiences in this field with being certain to continuously commit and comply to all the standards of Central Board For Accreditation Of Healthcare Institutions(CBAHI) and also Australian Council for Healthcare Standards International (ACHSI). All this is for the Hospital to keen to provide a featured healthy reliable experience for its clients.
It is noteworthy that many bodies and sectors were honoredwithin the celebratory awards ceremony from several of Arab countries,as a number of sectors from Kingdom of Saudi Arabia were honored; where Hospital of United Doctors, General Directorate of Passports,Secretariat of Taif Province, Municipality of Nabhaniyah Province, Municipality of Onaizah Province have won the Excellence Award in Health, Security and Municipal Fields.
On another level, a number of winning bodies from the United Arab Emirates were honored, where each of the following bodies received the Excellence Awards:General Force of Dubai Police, the Al-Ittihad Newspaper, Emirates Today Newspaper,Roads and Transport Authority of Dubai,Dubai Electricity and Water Authority,Telecommunications Regulatory Authority,Department of Planning & Survey in Sharjah, Ministry of Human Resources &Resettlement, Ministry of Infrastructure Development, Dubai Health Authority,Commission of Securities & commodities, and Department of economic development – United Arab Emirates.
Also the General Authority for Investment & Free Zones and Ministry ofPlanning, Follow-up and Administrative Reform, Arab Republic of Egypt, were honored.
In addition to Ministry of Public Health andAgricultural Research Institute, Republic of Lebanon
Also the Authority of Bahrain for culture and archeology, Civil Service Bureau, Kingdom of Bahrain.
And also General Fatwa Department, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Regarding Kuwait, each ofKuwait Police, Central Agency for Information Technology, and Public Authority for Industry along withShield of Media Partner of Kuwait News Agency, State of Kuwait for the Excellence Awards.
Well as Public Authority for Consumer Protection, Ministry of Endowments and Religious Affairs, HEAC, Public Prosecution, Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs and Ministry of Education from Sultanate of Oman.
And finally, Ministry of Economy & Commerce, the State of Qatar.
Noteworthy that the award of Smart Governments Shield is considered to bethe largest forsmart applications in the Arab world, as it is held in cooperation with the Arab Organization for Social Responsibility andsponsored by technological Central Agency in Kuwait for years to grant the Creative Awards at designing and developing sites and applications,and the capacities of Arab Governments and Institutionsto keep up global development in the field of service-sites and showing their creations through the best contest of application in the Arab World.
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