Great success for United Doctors Hospital in the Periodic survey 2012
Great success for United Doctors Hospital in the Periodic survey 2012
During May 2012 the hospital passed with great success the periodic survey by the Australian Council on Health Care Standards International with the following grades:
4 criteria : OA
10 criteria : EA
1 criterion : MA
The hospital received a letter of congratulations from ACHSI
This is a copy of the letter:
I am delighted to learn of the excellent recognition given to the staff by the survey team for their contribution to providing quality healthcare to their patients in a safe environment. You and your team together with the Executive must be well satisfied with this achievement – one which all associated with UDH can be justifiably proud. Congratulations on the result which demonstrates a commitment and leadership to the quality journey and the effective management of risk by the Executive and its staff and with an OA rating in some criteria also demonstrates that UDH is a leader in healthcare in the Kingdom. Enjoy the result and please pass on my congratulations to all involved.
Kind Regards,
Wayne Singh
Coordinator Business Operations,
Hong Kong Project.
Coordinator ACHSI International Logistics.
ACHSI Consultant.