
Do You Really Need a Cover Letter?

It’s a question every job seeker asks themselves. Between informational interviews, applying to jobs and keeping your life in order, do you really need to create a cover letter for every job you apply to? Job hunting is a tremendously time-consuming task and if the process is streamlined in any way, often times the cover letter is nixed and job seekers simply submit a resume. This is a tough question to answer considering that many employers may not explicitly require you to submit a cover letter with your application.

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How to Handle Job Rejection

Getting rejected from a job opportunity you’re excited about can be detrimental to your confidence in your job search. The application and interview stages are usually quite a process and no matter where you are in that process, if you get rejected, it’s tough. Many candidates internalize this and it can majorly affect the motivation to jump back into your search. So, how do you overcome the rejection in a job search?

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